FREE Giveaway Necklace!


I know! My next newsletter is supposed to come out NEXT Tuesday, not today.

But hear me out.  I have a good reason to visit you today 🙂

I want to give you this Necklace, FREE.

It has been a while since our last free giveaway, and as I looked at the beautiful picture of Ceci (our last winner from South America). I knew it was time to do it again.


Our new FREE drawing will take place NEXT TUESDAY JUNE24th, and it’s only open to YOU, our awesomely special VeruDesigns friends and subscribers.

To participate, all you have to do is share with me one thing. Tell me:

  • What do you appreciate THE MOST about TODAY? Not in your entire life, but TODAY.

Is it your super comfy pillow as you woke up this morning? The kindness of a stranger? The deliciousness of your coffee? The comfort of your home? The health that you enjoy? There are NO wrong answers. It’s all about acknowledging and amplifying those things that make our moment-to-moment worthwhile living.

Leave your answer in the “COMMENTS” section at the bottom of this page, and you will be immediately part of our drawing.

That’s it!


If you know of someone who would love to participate, please SHARE THIS POST! Feel free to use any of your favorite social media buttons below to share this with your friends and loved ones. All they have to do is SIGN UP to VeruDesigns by entering their email, and then tell me what they appreciate most about their day in the section below:-)



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