3 FREE Give-Away Jewels Revealed!

FINALLY! Our final 3 FREE CUSTOM MADE Jewelry pieces that we just gave away during our last two raffles are revealed today. Let’s start right away!




We begin with the “My Dear” Pendant, which as you might guess is a play on words (“deer” and “dear”) that allowed me to express words of self-love while staying true to the main subject (deer) of this piece.

Christina, was our raffle winner during our  WEST ELM DUMBO “Jewelry Show and Class” Event that took place in Brooklyn, NY in late September.   I was so impressed with her talent during our jewelry class, but then again I learned she is on her way to becoming an Architect at Drexel University!

BTW, if you were NOT part of our last 3 online raffles, make sure to sign-up today to participate in our NEXT FREE GIVE AWAY drawing for a chance to win another a-m-a-z-i-n-g jewelry piece!.


As the winner of our event’s raffle, Christina earned the right to commission a necklace based on a West Elm product inspiration.  After browsing the WEST ELM DUMBO store, she came up with a very specific inspiration item: The paper-made deer heads that West Elm  recently introduced among their new cabin-inspired wall decor.

Can you see the similarity? Click on the image below to see more details on the inspiration!

It’s time to reveal our next GIVE AWAY 🙂



Claudia (as well as Suz – our thrid winner below), was one of our TWO online winners of our early September raffle.  There was something personally wonderful about this winner.  You see, Claudia and I went to high-school together in Bolivia, South America.  We weren’t close friends at the time, but we  recently re-connected online.  Since then, Claudia became one of the lovely people I’ve come to connect at a more spiritual level.  And so, imagine my giddiness when her name came out as one of the winners of our raffle!!


Claudia, who lives in Perth, Australia won a commissioned  7-bead bracelet, based on her favorite colors and/or theme.  She chose RED, BLACK, WHITE and GRAYS as the primary colors for her piece, leaving the remaining design decisions up to me.


I found inspiration in a “handmade pillow” by SUKAN (click on the image below for more details), which to me, had not only all the colors I was looking for, but inspired in my head all the remaining BEAD designs to complete the piece.

Even though the weather is turning beautifully warm in Australia, here on the east coast of the US we’re feeling the kiss of winter approaching through the winds of fall . . . and with this feeling “Winter’s Kiss” was born 🙂


Ready for our last reveal?



Suz was the second winner of our FREE ONLINE raffle give-away.  And like Claudia, she got to commission a piece (in her case a pendant of this very specific design), but based on her favorite colors and/or theme.


Suz, who lives in Texas was quite specific as well.  She asked to use deep purple, turquoise and chocolate; or purple, orange and chocolate. She also loved the idea of incorporating a “moroccan-theme” inspiration.


The small size (and oval/egg-like shape) of the pendant created many subtle challenges in the design process, which got me very excited.  For a bead/shard of this size to truly shine, it is important that its colors create contrast among themselves.  And so, after trying all the different combinations of Suz’s favorite colors, I felt that orange, turquoise and purple created the loveliest combination for this size pendant.

The remaining design decisions (pattern) manifested almost magically when a friend (who recently came back from Casablanca in Morocco) shared this moroccan fountain picture she took with the EXACT colors I was working with.

It was meant to be!

The result was lovely but surprising.  The colors look beautiful together, and the theme turned out to be more “universal” than moroccan.  But with anything that is “inspired” (rather than copied), I feel we were able to capture the liveness and beauty of the inspiration, rather than its literal expression.

I hope you enjoy it too 🙂


If you haven’t signed up yet for our next raffle make sure to join us today! 🙂


And now its YOUR TURN:

Tell me what are YOUR favorite colors in the comments section below.  I will choose one of your combinations to inspire a future creation!

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