Inspiration – Purple and Red

I’ve been blessed with AMAZING clients, but there is a forever special place in my heart for Sheila Willard.  Sheila was not only one of my very first VeruDesigns clients back when we were just starting out, but since then she has never stopped supporting what we do, and has given me the absolute privilege of choosing VeruDesigns as her first choice for special birthday presents no just to her loved ones (several times!), but herself 🙂


Sheila If you’re reading this, know that your support and business means to world to me! Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Today’s reveal, which you can see HERE, are two custom made bracelets for Sheila, which are based on her favorite two colors: Purple and Red.


I thought that you may enjoy seeing not only the Inspiration board for both pieces , but also how this board translated into the individual bead designs for both bracelets.

So here it is:

And now, to see the many more pictures of the finished pieces, just CLICK HERE.

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