My new studio and more!
Hello beautiful!
If you follow VeruDesigns on social media (facebook or instagram), then you may have noticed that it’s been VERY quiet for a few weeks! And it will continue to be quiet for another month probably!
Lots of exciting changes!
Actually, we only finished PART 1 of our move. PART 2 will happen in January of 2018. We completed our life-changing living/working experience at the Pajama Factory after 2 beautiful years. Instead of returning back to Philly, we moved into our beautiful mountain cabin (our Philadelphia home and office are still rented out to tenants). But! the main reason we’re not going back to Philly is because we’ve decided to pursue another dream that involves moving to another city all together (that is VERY FAR AWAY!).
We haven’t told my parents, nor my husband’s parents yet (to minimize their sadness, we’re trying to confirm when and how many times we’ll come back to visit first!). I can’t share our final destination (we owe it to our parents), but I’ll give you the full scoop once it’s all out! We are VERY excited and in the meantime, we are temporarily (until January 2018) setup at our cabin in the mountains. This has been always a very special place for us, and I’m LOVING being here fulltime for a little while.
As you’ll see in the pictures below, I went from working in a beautiful BIG studio, with lots of light and space, to a TINY little desk, some storage, but a great view and lots of cozyness 🙂
In case you wonder: This TYNY desk space is ALL I HAVE for both, jewelry making and computer work. I still have good amounts of storage, but my working space is very limited, and YET I’m able to get things done, even during a high season like September and October! It’s all about being flexible and organized (I think) 🙂 .
(If you missed what my Pajama Factory Studio looked like until a few weeks ago, this link has all the pictures!)
I’m becoming a US Citizen!
While moving non-stop the last few weeks, I’ve also been studying and reading a couple of books for my US citizenship exam. I should have done this many years ago, but with the current President, everything has become uncertain for all of us who are not citizen. My exam is next week, so please wish me luck!
If you’re interested in American history in general, and just how the original founders thought of republicanism and “federalism” (now democrats), this is a GREAT book!
We’re starting ANOTHER dream business in 2018!
Another effect of living and working at the Pajama Factory, has been the courage we’ve gained to start another business (that we knew NOTHING about!) but have been fantasizing about since we got married. Our current main technology business (CultureSpots), is finally reaching a point where hopefully by next year it won’t need as much hands-on attention from us as it does now. This new business is also one of the reasons we chose this (far away) new city where we’ll move in 2018. So, this is another detail we haven’t shared with our families. If you can imagine, these last weeks while moving and studying, we’ve been doing also a lot of research, training, self-educating,conferences, etc.
And yet, VeruDesigns and CutlureSpots have been open as usual!
Don’t ask me how!
So yeah, it has been very intense.
As you can imagine, I’ve had to cut tasks and hours where I could. That meant no VeruDesigns marketing or social media for a few weeks (maybe a few posts here and there). I’ve only been working on jewelry for our online orders and partners. (this is one of the downsides of being a one-woman-business I guess).
That’s it from our little world!
In case you wonder, VeruDesigns will continue next year! This has been a fantastic year for this little business so far, and I expect it to continue from another home base 🙂
Question for you:
These last 2 weeks of making jewelry on my tiny desk, reminded me of some truly key, but basic “must have’s” and also things that are NOT “must have’s” for being able to meet the expectations of a busy month of sales. I remember thinking early on that for truly becoming a serious business I needed a real studio (spacious, with the right furniture, potentially an area to welcome clients for trunk shows, etc). But this is not true. If you can afford something like that from the beginning that is wonderful! But if not, this should NOT be a reason to not start your business, or think you don’t have a chance.
This is just one of several other points that came to mind. I wonder if you’d be interested in reading a post about my very personal experience in terms of “must have’s” for starting a business and what may seem important, but really isn’t..
Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below!
If you’ve enjoyed this, or you have any questions or comments, let me know below and I’ll reply as quickly as I can (I’d love to know!).
Stay well, stay happy and stay healthy. And let us all have a fantastic falll!!
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Yes, I’d LOVE to hear about your “must haves” for a small business. Also, I am so happy for you Veruschka. And inspired by your bravery. My hope is that I too can step in faith in my abilities to pursue the dreams of my heart.
Good luck Veru. Changes, especially moves, can be stressful but can yield so much growth and joy. Especially for the two of you as a couple. Sharing adventures together! Looking forward to reading about it. I am not really. On Facebook so enjoy what you write here on the blog!
Thank you Wendy! I’m honored 🙂 Yes! Change is always a mix bag of excitement and uncertainty. We’ve done this before, just not these many changes at the same time. We know that all will be worth it just for the experience itself. This is our only life and we are (trying) to be a little more courageous every year with living it in our terms. Thank you for the encouragement!
You and Cliff are doing all the right things- moving along into new ventures. Best wishes. Love to see you and if that’s not possible, remember to keep me posted. Good luck on the exam. Louisa Stone
Thank you so much Louisa! We absolutely hope to see you before we go!