Two beautiful jewelry pieces for two beautiful women.

Happy Tuesday everyone!


A few weeks ago something unfortunate happened: I lost my US Identification Card.

Normally, this would be just an annoyance. But under the new US administration, traveling with a green-card (which is all I have since I’m not a US citizen), automatically implies more scrutiny and more questions when traveling within or outside the US, particularly because I’m from Bolivia, a country that hasn’t had the best relationship with the US in the last 10 years. And it just so happens that February is packed with trips for me! So, the timing of my loss wasn’t great.

Then, 2 days after getting very upset with my lack of carefulness, I received a message out of the blue from someone:


After confirming my new address, Deniera drove to a post office, and shipped my ID no questions asked.

It arrived literally 3 hours before we were leaving for our first trip of the month!


(This was my “thank-you” and confirmation picture that I sent to Deniera, as soon as I received it!)

Later, I learned that Deniera is a very busy working mom who lives and works in New Jersey. Someone who doesn’t have “plenty of time” to drive off helping complete strangers. But she did.


Around the same time, I had a BEAUTIFUL thing happen to VeruDesigns, once again out of the blue.

I cannot share the details yet. But for the purpose of todays’ post, what matters is how this happened. Somehow this organization came to know about my work. After inquiring further, I learned that the person responsable, is their beautiful Execute Producer. She not only found me, but made sure that despite not being an Artist that has been around for decades (like most Artist that are chosen for this), my works were at least seen, discussed and given a chance by all the decision makers.

Well. Her efforts made it happen for me.


Two completely unrelated, but wonderful acts of kindness, both unexpected, by two complete strangers in the course of a few days.

I think of both women as my angels of the month. A reminder that no matter how much negativity we see out there, most people really are kind, good, selfless, caring in a very unconditional way. The biggest gift out of both experiences was, getting an emotional reassurance about the goodness in people’s hearts. Something that has been in my mind a lot after all the sad rhetoric being spoken in the media. I also felt deeply inspired to do the same for others, if I ever find myself in a position to support/help a stranger.

I’m deeply grateful.


How do you express gratitude? By doing something that you love to do, and that you do well. So, in my case I created two custom pieces inspired by each woman, specifically for them.

So there you go. That’s the story behind each of the two pieces you’ll see below 🙂


Winter Escape: The Deniera Necklace

Deniera (the young mom who found my ID) loooves the Tiffany-blue family of colors. So, this is the boho-chic “escaping winter” version I came up with for her 🙂



Did I mention it has two sides?


Winter Escape: The Golden Sea – Set of Necklace & Earrings

Victoria (the Executive Producer who went to bat for me ) loves Turquoise and Yellow. This is what came out 🙂




That’s it for today! Hopefully we’ll all come across some angels this week, but if not, maybe you and I can be one this week!

If you’ve got any questions or comments, let me know below and I’ll reply as quickly as I can.

Stay well, stay happy and stay healthy. And let us all wish for a beautiful 2017 filled with expansion and growth for us all!!

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