Specialty Coffee + Jewelry = Love Story <3

It’s SO good to say “hello” from home again!

I just arrived back to the States (after spending almost 2 months visiting my parents in Bolivia, South America); and I can’t wait to share a couple of exciting news with you.


As of late last week, VeruDesigns Art Jewelry can be seen and bought at a new Boutique Shop in Philadelphia. Now, the reason I’m particularly excited about it and decided to create a blog post just to share these news, is because this is different than any other boutique I’ve worked with in the past. Let me explain:

  1. Coffee:  Anyone who knows me and my husband privately, knows that we LOVE amazing specialty coffee and coffee shops. We’ve travelled around the country and all over the world looking and visiting the best specialty coffee shops we can find. So, when it comes to my adopted hometown of Philadelphia, BODHI COFFEE SHOP happens to be one of my top 3 favorites. I like it so much so, that a little over a year ago I created a dedicated blog post about them (even though it had NOTHING to do with jewelry. You can see it here). Guess what?! Bodhi Coffee Shop has now an Art Boutique as well! AND …VeruDesigns was invited to be part of it!




2. InLiquid: The brains behind this awesome idea of combining two of my biggest passions in life (specialty coffee and art) is InLiquid. If you don’t know about them, make sure to check them out. This organization is dedicated to champion artists and their works in Philadelphia but also elsewhere in the US. The best part? A portion of any jewelry art purchase that is made, goes directly to support InLiquid’s mission. How awesome is that?!  



3. Philadelphia: Most times I partner with a boutique, they’re located in far away cities that unfortunately I rarely get to see in person. So, when it happens in my hometown of Philadelphia it’s of course always special and really fun too, because I get to see and experience how my art is being showcased to the world.







If you are in or around the Philadelphia area, and if you also happen to appreciate delicious and world-class specialty coffee sourced DIRECTLY from farmers in the top coffee-farming locations of the world, then you’ve got to stop by BODHI COFFEE in Society Hill, Philadelphia. Besides getting to see, touch and try on my jewelry art in person, you’ll also get to see the artworks of 3 other AMAZING artists: Manhattan-based Jewelry Designer Sandra Tarvoc, beautiful pottery and ceramics by Jerry Bennett, and the gorgeous artworks of Danielle Catte.




Bodhi Coffee’s ART BOUTIQUE is located in their Society Hill location, at Headhouse Square – 410 S. 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA

But just so you know, they have a second location (but this one doesn’t have an Art Boutique, so it’s all about the coffee and ambiance!), which happens to be only 3 blocks away from my Philly Jewelry studio, at Washington Square West – 263 S. 10th Street, Philadelphia, PA (this is the location i blogged about a little over a year ago HERE). 😉



I hope you get to visit soon!

I’ll be sharing our SECOND fun news in my next blog post (in a few weeks). Let me just say that it has something to do with a TV interview and feature. More details next time 🙂


If you’ve got any questions or comments, let me know below and I’ll reply as quickly as I can.

Stay well, stay happy and stay healthy. And let us all wish for a beautiful 2017 filled with expansion and growth for us all!!

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