A Personal Breakthrough: Getting Over Myself!

Happy Tuesday!

A few months ago I was very honored to have been selected to participate in an exclusive Art Jewelry exhibition and fundraiser at the National Liberty Museum in center city, Philadelphia.

Well, before I realized it, the weeks went by and just this past weekend, the event happened.  


But here is what was unique: It wasn’t only a prestigious event (great for the resume!), but it was also an unexpectedly AWESOME experience!

NOTE: I’ll be sharing a separate blog post dedicated exclusively to some of these amazing jewelry artists I met. I think that if you enjoy VeruDesigns, then you will absolutely ADORE their art and should know about them!


Back to today’s post: So, this museum exhibition was different for me.

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How so?

You should first know that I’m definitely more an introvert than an extrovert. I’m naturally not very good with “small talk”. It makes me incredibly anxious and will avoid it at all costs. And! To make matters worse, I really do NOT enjoy “closing a sale” (a.k.a pushing the “right buttons” to make you buy my jewelry on the spot). All of these points are (supposed to be) important skills for face-to-face interactions with potential clients, customers and collaborators.

This is probably why VeruDesigns is primarily an online business (it allows me to sell “my way”, effectively!). It is also why art festivals have never been part of my business strategy. In case you wonder, all the amazing museums and gallery exhibitions I’ve done over the last few years happened because of my online efforts, which got me invited to them (making it a lot easier!).

This event was a bit different, in that we were asked to not only exhibit and sell our work, but also engage with visitors directly. All of the time!


With no choice, and with the prospect of having to go through some very intense days actively engaging with many people for small periods of time, I made the decision to:

  • (a) IGNORE my limiting beliefs about my personality (“I’m not good with small talk”, “I’m terrible at selling”).
  • (b) IGNORE my negative definitions about “brief engagements” with people as “meaningless”, and instead be OPEN to having fun, genuinely try to connect with people, and seek the best that a moment has to offer.

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The Results ?


In a genuine attitude of wanting to connect with everyone, no matter for how brief of a moment, I had the best time ever!

Yes, sales were made. Yes, lots of beneficial connections were made. Yes, new museum exhibition invitations came out as a result, but none of it compared to the beautiful connections I made with my fellow jewelry artists, the a-mazing staff at the Museum, and even even more surprisingly, with the many visitors and customers that stopped by to say ‘hi’.

Specifically, I confirmed that:

  • Artists are some of the most beautiful, smart, creative and GENEROUS PEOPLE you will ever meet! When you open your heart, they will support you, help you, guide you, and care for you, even if they may never see you again!
  • Women of all ages who appreciate the arts, are beautifully curious, kind, appreciative of our craft. When treated with genuine attention, these visitors (men and women) became wonderful cheerleaders of our craft and would go above and beyond to support our art. Many subscribed to my newsletter on the spot (welcome! if you’re one of them!!), they e-mailed/texted their friends to come and visit us, they encouraged their loved ones to buy and try on our pieces. It was such a HIGH to experience such love and kindness directed to and from all of us! Wow!
  • Small talk can be precious. A meaningful connection can happen in just 3 minutes of genuine exchange of energy (words, smiles, laughs) or 3 hours. Time has NOTHING to do with it. Authenticity does.
  • Seek and you shall find. If you look for something beautiful to appreciate in someone, you’re bound to find it. A smile, someone’s true curiosity, a word of kindness. Noticing and appreciating turn a 30-second interaction into a love-story. Cheesy? Maybe, but I felt like I was falling in love over and over again.


In other words:

Getting out of our comfort zone, and most importantly, “getting over ourselves “, can become the fastest route to the best experiences in life.

I would LOVE to read your thoughts/comments/questions in the comment section below.

Stay well, stay happy and stay healthy. See you in two weeks !!

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