


This 3D colorful depiction of the beautiful city of Philadelphia has the following dimensions: 7.5 inches wide, 5.5 inches high and 1.5 inches deep .The piece is made of PVC clay and supported by an invisible stainless steal wire-frame that is extremely light.


The 3D art piece is primarily inspired by a specific picture I took of the skyline of Philadelphia (which you can see below) that shows you the city from across the Schulkill river that borders the west side of center city. The buildings that were chosen to be part of this depiction are highlighted in a blue-ish color in the original inspiration picture.  However the composition of this art piece, also contains elements of the city that you would not see from this, or any other angle of the city. Such as the many historic “town houses”, the Art Museum, the Rocky Statue (from the Rocky movies), the many trees that line up across its many historic streets, and the brand new boardwalk that has made the city even more beautiful than ever before.


Also, as a quick “fun” fact. Our home (which is a condo in a high-rise building called the Murano), can be seen at the very right-side of this piece. It’s the crazy “curved” building depicted in all light-blue.


A final interesting fact about this piece is how it was made.

For those of you who are curious about the process, the only tools used to make this piece are detailed below.


The details are not meant to be “perfect”. Meaning perfectly straight, perfectly shaped, but instead balanced, fun and most importantly, playful.



Top-left-side view:

From above

Town-Houses close-up:

Town Houses



The Rocky Statue: The statue itself is smaller than an american “quarter” coin.


City Hall Tower and William Penn: If you’ve been to Philly, this is one of its most significant and visible landmarks. Below it, you’ll see also a side-view of the new boardwalk, which is heavily visited by joggers, walkers and bikers in the city.


Another view of both elements, and depiction of its approximate size next to a quarter coin (the boardwalk on the water and City Hall/William Penn).



Now, if you’re so inclined and have any thoughts on this, I would be so very thankful:

Since “framing” or “boxing” are two elements that can beautifully enhance an art-piece (if done right), I’m looking for ideas that might be a little more outside the box on how to go about it. So far, our fans have come up with 4 different kinds of “canvas” ideas that you can see below. The first and third canvas ideas are meant to convey a concrete/cement wall. The second (white canvas) and 4th (dark grey canvas) are simply meant to frame the piece.


The way I imagine this, there is a bit of a distance between the 3D art piece and the canvas, as to generate a bit of a shadow effect in between.  Have a look to see what I mean:


I believe this could also be installed in a “display box”/shadow box. I’m currently working on a custom “acrylic” design idea that I’ll run by you.


So here is where your help could be incredibly valuable:

  1. Do you like any of the 4 ideas above? If so, which is your favorite?
  2. Do you have any other (similar or different ideas)? I’d love to read them.
  3. Do you think a display box could work better? If so, what design idea comes to mind?
  4. Any other ideas?


Thank you sooooo much in advance for your help and feedback. I’ll be looking in the “comments” section below for your thoughts on this. I know many of you are artists as well and I’d be honored to tap into your expertise.


What do you think? I would love to read your thoughts. Share the love if you enjoyed today’s post. Love is what this is all about 🙂

Stay well, stay happy, stay healthy, stay as the lovable, kind, positive and one-of-a-kind person that you are.

I’ll be in touch in 2 weeks!

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