Our Opening Night! And 3 Insights that will resonate with the Artist within you.

We had a wonderful event last Friday with over 150 guest and visitors attending our Opening Reception, and now that it’s over I wanted to share with you not only a few pictures, but 3 very powerful insights that came to me as a result of it, and that may serve you (and the Artist within you) as well.


1. Become aware of your NOW and celebrate!


Even though I’ve had similar exhibits before, I will say that Friday’s event might have been the first one where I actually milked the moment, enjoyed myself and celebrated it.  I had been pretty stressed the days leading up to it (as is always the case) and in noticing my lack of true joy, I suddenly realized that, in life, we set goals, which is great and even necessary. But then we begin living our daily lives in a mental place that is somewhere in the future where this goal takes place. And we use our present moment primarily to compare it to that future, which of course creates a slight feeling of disappointment when we realize that it doesn’t look like that yet. But then, as time goes by, when the goal has been finally achieved in our lives, somehow our mind is already focused on the next goal. And suddenly the present achieved goal, seems already “too insignificant” to celebrate because we’re already measuring it to the next goal.


And so, our chase for the next one prevents us from ever arriving to the joys and appreciation of anything.


I bet that if you ponder for a moment the positive aspects of where you are in life at the moment and ask yourself:

– Do I feel predominantly thrilled for where I am?

– Do I feel proud?

If your answer is not a resounding “YES!”, then, like me and so many, you might be missing the present moment and all the joy it carries for us. Because as insignificant you may think it is, at one point in your life in the past, this was a place you only dreamed of, hoped for, and thought of with excitement. It might have been a dream as a little girl, but at one point this was a dream of yours, otherwise you would not be living these positive aspects in your present moment.


I’ve found that entrepreneurs, small business owners, artists and moms, especially stay-at-home moms are particularly hard on themselves and good at dismissing their achievements.


And so, with enormous appreciation for you, I’d love to join you in an inner-celebration for all the wonderful things you’ve brought into your life. None of it “just happened” to you (even if it may seem so). This includes friendships, close relationships, great clients, lovely experiences, incredible recognition, wonderful “things”….all of these things, whatever they might be in your case, happened in your life through your own invitation and the actions and sacrifices you made to make them happen.


2. It’s not just what you do, it’s also who you are:


Another big “A-HA moment” leading up to the exhibit, happened as I found myself having a conversation with my friend Emily Levine (an incredible polymer clay Artists that I will be introducing to you in a few weeks!) about something that an extremely successful Jewelry Designer from New York told me not too long ago:

“It’s not only what you do, or how well you do something what opens doors for you.

It’s primarily YOU. The energy you infuse your art with and what that energy says”.


What she meant was that, as important as it is to get better at our craft (whatever that might be), the works/objects alone won’t move our journey forward. There are endless examples of incredibly talented people who make unbelievable art, and continue finding themselves being overlooked and missing opportunities that end-up going to other artists, whose works might not be as incredible, but who embody an energy of joy, belief and confidence.


As human beings we think we like something or someone because of the limited aspects we can perceive with our physical senses, but the truth is that our assessment about anything is based on intangibles that cannot only be explained by the looks, sound or smell of something. People want to have things that embody the best version of themselves, things that make them feel more confident,loving, joyful. And those intangible qualities are not physically visible in a piece of art or jewelry, but can be sensed through its creator.


Now, the journey for an Artist, or anyone for that matter, to become confident and joyful in “what we do”, is very personal and unique, and should never be compared to anyone else’s journey. And there are no shortcuts. But it matters to be aware of this. And not primarily because “it will help us opening more doors and opportunities”, but because it makes the journey of doing what we do, worthwhile; and it makes us better as human beings at the same time.


And so, with this increased awareness, I had what I’d say was one of my biggest number in sales for a single night, this last Friday! I like to think that in my genuine appreciation for the night, I embodied my true-self slightly more purely than I have before 🙂


3. Women are powerful. Especially when they are guided by their hearts.


My humble life experience continues to confirm that when women free themselves from opinions of others about  “how they should be”, “how they should act” and fully embrace not just their feminine side (empathy, kindness, strength, wisdom, etc) but their authentic self, they instantly become powerful.

And when women unite, and support each other, not only do we affect our individual expansions as human beings, but we make the immediate world that surrounds us better.


One of the aspects of VeruDesigns that is becoming more and more rewarding is that it allows me to meet like-minded women who not only inspire me, but lighten-up the best of me as well. I can’t wait to share with you a special post in the near future about the works of these 2 amazing Artists: Tara Bellofatto and the absolutely lovely Pearl Rosenberg (who also owns a VeruDesigns piece!).

Much, much gratitude to you both!



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And if you feel so inclined to share your thoughts, I’d LOVE to read your comments and/or feedback below.


Have a lovely rest of the week, and I hope to see you at our exhibit, which will go on until early May!!

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